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Family of Aaron BISHOP and Caroline (Carrie) Elizabeth VEAZIE
Aaron BISHOP b. 1892 Jan 11221 at Maxburg, IA221. d. 1967 May2371 at nursing home in Osceola, IA2371. bd. Havelock Cem., Havelock, IA2371.
Caroline (Carrie) Elizabeth VEAZIE b. 1888 Mar1717 at Pocahontas Co., IA2792. d. 1964 Dec 282370 at St Ann's Hosp., Algona, IA2370. bd. Washington Cem., Havelock, IA2370.
Married2139 1921 Nov 32139 at Pocahontas, IA2139.
At the time of Aaron and Carrie's marriage, she was Carrie "Smith." In 1930, Aaron Bishop, son-in-law, and wife Carrie (Veazie) are living in the household of Carrie's parents Elijah and Amber.
It's not entirely clear why Aaron listed his parents as John Percelle and Fannie Bishop in the marriage index2139 for his marriage to Carrie. In 1900, Aaron is living with his uncle Oliver Bishop (born Jun 1874), Oliver's mother (Aaron's grandmother) Mallissa Bishop (b Jan 1835) and Oliver's uncle (Melissa's brother) George Hamner. Given that information, then his mother is likely the Fanny S Bishop, born ~1875, living in 1880 in the household of Malissa Bishop, widowed, b ~1834. In that household is also Jefferson O (Oliver?) Bishop, son of Malissa, b ~1873. Newspaper articles2372 mention "brothers" Elton and Byron Faux of Patterson (Madison Co.), Iowa. Then perhaps his mother is also the Fannie Faux, wife of Thomas J Faux, with (among other children) sons Elton and Byron, living in Madison Co., Iowa, 1900 through 1930.
Following their marriage, Aaron and Caroline lived and farmed2370 for many years near Rolfe, IA. Following their retirement, they moved into Rolfe. In October, 1933, they moved to Algona.
In the 1920 census1719, Caroline Smith, living in the household of Elijah and Amber Veazie, is widowed, with last name Smith. She has a son Elijah V Smith, Elijah's grandson. By 1930, Caroline has married Aaron Bishop and young Elijah Smith has died. The 1940 census1721 lists Caroline's midden name.