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Family of Earl Chester VESEY and Florence S BAER
Earl Chester VESEY b. 1887 Oct 161686 at Sheboygan, WI1686. d. 1970 Jan 312108. bd. Wisconsin Veterans Mem Cem., King, WI840.
Florence S BAER b. 1904~2123 at prob Oak Park, Illinois680. d. 1955 Aug 112123 at Oak Park, IL2123.
Married2120 1933 Sep 142120 at Cook Co., IL2120.
Earl's WWII draft registration card170 lists his wife Florence S Vesey.
There seems to be more than meets the eye with Earl Chester Vesey. In 1900, he is living with his parents, his brother Wayne and his father's cousin, Harry G Vesey (son of Reed and Marion (Glines) Vesey. In 1910, he is boarding with Henry Powell and family in Chicago, a city collector. In 1917, per his WWI draft registration221, he is living at 605 Clinton Ave. That consistently appears as the address of Clarence and Clara (Main) Rafsnyder in Oak Park. In fact, in 1920, he is living681 with the Rafsnyders (enumerated as "Earl Chester Besey[sic]"), 605 Clinton Ave, an accountant listed as Nephew. In 1930, still living with the Rafsnyders, he is then listed as adopted son. N.B., his father didn't die until 1946. During the war years (World War I), several articles in the Oak Park (IL) Oak Park Leaves newspaper mention Earl as the "son" of Mrs Rafsnyder, and writing his "mother," Mrs Clarence Rafsnyder, from Europe where he served with the army in various capacities. He was continuously promoted from Private to Sargeant during those years. Clara B Rafsnyder nee Main, does not appear to be a relation of the Vesey family. The exact circumstances of that relationship are yet a mystery. He was buried in the veterans cemetery in King, Wisconsin.
Florence lived with her family from her birth through, at least 1930. In 1930, she is living with her widowed father. In a bit of an oddity, if the Cook County marriage index is correct (i.e., Florence and Earl were married in 1933), the 1940 census2124 lists "Florence Baer" at 421 S Oak Park Avenue, an office clerk for a can manufacturer. She is listed as "Florence S Vesey" in the telephone directory2125 in 1943 at the same address.