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Family of Max Munroe VEAZIE and Hyla BARKLEY
Max Munroe VEAZIE b. 1875 Nov 2221 at Coopers Plains, NY1728. d. 1953 Jun 253008 at 139 Main St, Coopers Plains, NY3008. bd. Coopers Plains Cemetery, Erwin, NY206.
Hyla BARKLEY b. 1878 Oct 3654 at Coopers Plains, NY404. d. 1960 Dec 30404 at the home of her daughter, Alice Veazie Skalnik, Falls Church, Virginia404. bd. Coopers Plains Cemetery, Erwin, NY206.
Married1728 1908 Apr 161728 at Coopers Plains, NY1728.
Max and Hyla were married by J Erwin Wilson, clergyman. Witnesses were Jane Barkley and S Fay Veazie. Jane Barkley was likely Hyla's niece, the daughter of Alberto Barkley. S Fay Veazie was almost certainly Max' brother Stephen Fay Veazie.
Max lived his life in Coopers Plains, NY. He worked as a collier and as a station agent for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad in Coopers. Max is listed as a director of the First National Bank of Painted Post circa 1922 ("Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity, 1789-1920," Uri Mulford). Max served for 20 years as Justice of the Peace in Coopers, was a graduate of Cook Academy, and became a telegrapher for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad for more than 40 years. He also served as station master for that railroad at the Coopers station. He was a life member of the Montour F & A M lodge. He died unexpectedly at his home.
The 1900 census has Hyla's birth year as 1877. One of her own handwritten family lists654 has 1878. Her obituary has 1879, as does her headstone in Coopers Cemetery. In her marriage record dated Apr 16, 1908, her age was 30. Considering enumeration dates, her ages as given in censuses consistently indicate 1877. Herein, her birth day is given as Oct 3, consistent with her family list and the 1900 census. However, her birth year is listed as 1878, as she recorded herself644. Prior to her marriage, Hyla worked as a clerk in her father's store in Coopers Plains. In December, 1907, following the death of Benjamin Pierce, the previous postmaster, and just prior to her marriage to Max, she was appointed postmaster for Coopers Plains. In May, 1908, just following her marriage and perhaps due to her name change, Hyla B Veazie was again appointed postmaster for Coopers.
In Dec, 1928, she suffered severe injuries when she fell through a trap door at the (Coopers Plains, NY) Methodist church hall. (Steuben Farmers' Advocate, Bath, NY, Dec 5, 1928; fultonhistory.com)
Hyla died of cancer in Falls Church, Virginia, at the home of her daughter Alice Lucille Veazie Skalnik.
Children of Max Munroe VEAZIE and Hyla BARKLEY:
1. | Alice Lucille VEAZIE283 b. 1913 Nov 1592 at NY283. d. 2002 Oct 1592 at Falls Church, VA92. bd. Arlington Nat Cem, Arlington, VA314. | ||||
md. Yaro James SKALNIK | |||||
2. | Folsom Munro VEAZIE283 b. 1916 Jun 292 at New York283. d. 1986 May 7315 at Naples, FL315. bd. Maple Grove Cem., Granville, OH316. | ||||
md. Doris Anita MCGOWAN | |||||
3. | Doris Angeline VEAZIE86 b. 1918 Feb~283 at New York283. | ||||
md. Carsten (Chris) Henry LUDDER |