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Family of Clifford Vincent NELSON and Jane VEAZIE
Clifford Vincent NELSON b. 1915 Sep 231767 at Dorchester, MA2199. d. 1992 Sep 2192 at (res) Gorham, ME92.
Jane VEAZIE b. 1920 Jan 242198 at Boston, MA2198. d. 2017 Mar 255493 at Piper Shores, Scarborough, ME5493.
Married517 1941 Oct 62979.
A letter from Jane's father to "Wally" (likely his cousin Waldemar Veazie) lists his daughter Jane as "Jane VZ Nelson." With that start, one finds, in 1960, a tourist card2198 for Jane Veazie Nelson lists her parents (Maurice and Jean Scott Veazie), and her address as Flaggy Meadows Rd, Gorham, ME. In 1961, the city directory1735 for Westbrook, ME, lists Clifford V Nelson, wife Jane V, on Flaggy Meadows Rd. Gorham and Westbrook, Maine, are adjacent communities in the greater Portland area. The History of Islesboro2979 supplies the date of the marriage.
In 1928, Clifford Nelson and his mother, Signe, sailed2199 from Gothenburg, Sweden, to New York aboard the SS Drottningham. In 1920, he is living with his mother and two brothers, Bernard and Carleton. In 1910, Bernt O Nelson is listed in Boston, 1910, b 1887~, Sweden, wife Signa and son Bernhard. Clifford is listed as a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Class of 1938. Circa 1958 (Bar Harbor Maine Times), Dr Clifford V Nelson was a research associate in biophysics at the Maine Medical Center in Portland, ME. Circa 1962, he was awarded a lifetime career research grant by the National Institutes of Health, and a brief search will yield several publications and articles by Clifford V Nelson, generally in the areas of electrocardiology and biophysics.
In 1960, Jane Veazie Nelson returned from a visit to Brazil. Her tourist card2198 has her picture, and lists her birthdate and birthplace, civil status (married), and her parents' names, including her mother's maiden name. At that time, she was living on Flaggy Meadow Rd, Gorham, ME. She is the author of "Maine's Beloved Benefactor," books.google.com, published 1980s, 19p. A Jane Veazie Nelson, Class of '63, University of Maine, established a gift annuity with the Univsersity of Maine Foundation (www.umainefoundation.org). Bates Magazine (Bates College, Lewiston, ME, Apr, 2010) reported that Jane Veazie Nelson had sold her residence of 44 years and moved to Scarborough, Maine. Jane (at that time) was a member of the library committee and a tour guide at the Baxter House Museum in Gorham, ME, apparently among many other activities. A quotation of Jane's indicates she had 2 children, 5 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.