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Family of Howard Fay SHERMAN and Gladys WILLIAMSON (nee Furman)
Howard Fay SHERMAN b. 1884~1728 at Cameron, NY1728.
Gladys WILLIAMSON (nee Furman) b. 1893 Dec1126 at Cameron, NY1728.
Married1728 1910 Dec 14 (lic)1728 at Urbana, NY1728.
Gladys was born the daughter of (William) Dallas Furman and Ada Williamson. Ada and Dallas were (apparently) divorced, perhaps shortly after Gladys' birth, as Gladys "Williamson" appears in the 1900 census1126 as the adopted daughter (relationship to head of household: "ad. daughter") of Ada's brother Linn Williamson and Linn's wife Mary. In that census, Mary Williamson is listed as the mother of "0," corroborating the assumption. Further corroboration of Gladys' birth parents is indicated by the social security application3346 for Gladys Williamson Provancha, which lists her parents as William D Furman and Ada A Williamson.
In 1910, Gladys resided1132 with her adoptive parents, Linn and Mary Williamson. Later that year, Gladys married1728 Howard F Sherman, the son of John H Sherman and Augusta Townsend. The marriage license application for that marriage lists Gladys' parents as Ira L Williamson and Mary Bennett. Though that does not indicate that she was adopted, Gladys' social security applcation (mentioned above) is preferred.