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Family of Otis Freeman COOMBS and Hattie L BURGESS
Otis Freeman COOMBS b. 1847 May 22543 at prob Islesboro, ME396.
Hattie L BURGESS b. 1846 Dec 19395. d. 1878 Jun 10395. bd. Islesboro, ME (Greenwood Cem.)395.
In 1870, Otis and Diana are living with her parents and her sister Emily. In 1880, Otis is living with his mother, grandson Freeman also in residence. In 1910 and 1920, Otis is living with his sister Helen (Ryder).
In 1910, "Freeman" Coombs is listed as "brother," living with Helen E Ryder, age 51 (born c. 1859).
Hattie's birthdate is from age at date of death. Farrow2976, p 175, has Harriet L, daughter of Isaac Burgess and Lucy Ryder, born Dec 11, 1846; died June, 1872. The difference in birth dates may be a transcription error in one or both. Her marriages are mentioned on that page.