of William Veazie of Braintree, Massachusetts
genealogy information on this site is a work in progress and is
updated periodically. There are approximately 8000 individuals mentioned
in one way or another, most of whom are direct descendants of William
Veazie of Braintree, Massachusetts, or spouses of same, or parents
of spouses. Information is provided in several formats: HTML family
pages, Microsoft Word and RTF documents, and GEDCOM (Genealogical
Data Communication). Due to the nature of those formats,an individual
appearing in one format may or may not appear in one of the
other formats. Lists of individuals appearing in each of the download
formats can be examined via the Downloads
genealogy pages (HTML) are organized by family - father, mother
and children of a single marriage. Currently, birth, death and burial
information for an individual appear on the page on which they appear
as a child. If a child was married, links to the family page
for each marriage appear immediately below that child via the spouse's
on the spouse's name will take you to the family page on which that
child and spouse appear as parents.
on a parent's name at the top of a family page will take to the
family page on which that person appears as a child.
pages for accessing the HTML family pages are provided, organized
by the first letter of the last name of individuals. On each index
page, individuals are listed in alphabetical order by last name
and first name. Clicking on a name link will take you to the family
page on which that individual appears as a child. For those individuals
for which parents have not been identified, the link will take you
to the family page on which that individual appears as a parent.
The Name Index icon appears at the top of site pages, and clicking
on the icon will take you to the start index page.
Currently, females are indexed by their maiden names, if known.
Otherwise, they are generally listed as (for example) "VEAZIE,
Matilda (w of Charles D)..." If a female was married previously,
and her maiden name is known, she will not be indexed by
her previous married name.
Explanation of This Site's Philosophy
is on the descendants of William Veazie of Braintree, Massachusetts,
and James Barkley, who came to America on the George and Ann.
genealogy software used to maintain the information mentioned on
this site was revised some time ago to reflect the entire database.
As a result, family HTML pages have not been generated manually
for a long time. For a while, versions of the "old" pages
can be accessed through the original
index and the previous
In this genealogy references may be made to major genealogical references.
Those references may variously appear as:
Genealogy of the Families of Braintree, Mass. 1640-1850,
Waldo Chamberlain Sprague - CD, NEHGS, Picton Press
"Hillman" or "VG": Veazie Genealogy,
Some Descendants of William Veazie Who Settled at Braintree, Massachusetts
in 1640, Compiled by Ralph E. Hillman, CG
Penobscot Press, 2011, ISBN 0-89725-894-0, Library of Congress CN
Barclays of New York, R. B. Moffat (Robert Grier Cooke. New
York. 1904. Call no. R929.2 B244) , available for download in PDF
format from
Genealogy Downloads
You a Veazie?
Barkley or Barclay?