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Family of Ebenezer CROSBY and Bathsheba BEALE
Ebenezer CROSBY b. 1694 Nov 172852 at Braintree, MA2852. d. 1744 Jul 74821 at (prob) South Berwick, ME4821. bd. Old Graveyard, South Beriwck, ME4821.
Bathsheba BEALE b. 1701 Apr 132852 at Braintree, MA2852.
Married2852 1735/36 Jan 152852 at Braintree, MA2852. Births, Marriages and Deaths2852, p 750: "Ebenezer Crosby and Bathsheba Beale both of Braintree Jamnuary 15, 1735/6."
Sprague841 [1248R] mentions that Ebenezer made his will while in the Army at Berwick, Maine, "being very sick and weak." He died the following day.
Ebenezer's will851 mentions a son Ebenezer, inheriting separately from his widow Bathsheba, apparently born out of wedlock, as he is also mentioned (Sprague841 Suffolk Deeds 76:30) in a transfer of property as "a child called Ebenezer Crosby." That son may be the Ebenezer Crosbey/Crossbey born886 Mar 28, 1736, Milton, MA, the son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Horton, and so assumed by Sprague.
Arthur Winfred Hodgman, "Notes" (without reference), NEHGR v86:459, has Bathsheba married 2) Dec 9, 1746, Seth Bass, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Faxon) Bass.
Hodgman's "Notes" references the will of Benjamin Bale, dated July 8, 1752, probated Oct 15 1753, in which is mentioned his daughter "Barshua" Bass, wife of Seth Bass.
841. Genealogy of the Families of Braintree, Mass. 1640-1850, Waldo Chamberlain Sprague - CD, NEHGS, Picton Press
851. 1900 Fed Census CT, Middlesex Co., Chatham; www.ancestry.com
886. Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850, 1620-1850 (Online Database: AmericanAncestors.org)
2852. Massachusetts, Braintree Records, Samuel A Bates, Esq., Town Clerk of Braintree, Mass., Daniel H Huxford, Printer, Randolph, Mass: 1886; www.archive.org
4821. Maine, South Berwick, "Inscriptions Copied From the Old Graveyard at South Berwick, Maine.", John S H Fogg, MD; NEHGR V10:57