ALDEN VEAZIE (son of Stephen Veazie, Sr.) was born 3 Dec 1823, Corinna, Mainea. He diedg before 1900. He marriedb,c about 1850, ELIZABETH LORD, daughterd,g of George S. and Olive Lord. She was borng Dec 1825 in Phillips, Maine, and died probablyh before 1920. In 1851, Alden and Elizabeth, newly married, emigratede to Caton, NY, along with his brothers Laban and Stephen, his sisters Martha and Mary Jane, and their spouses and children. Although Alden's occupatione in 1865 is as a jeweler, other indicationsc,e,f,g are that he spent most of his life farming. Alden and Elizabeth had 3 children, though only 2 can be accounted for. In 1900, Elizabeth is enumerated as the mother of 3, 2 still living; in 1910, she is listed as the mother of 3, only 1 still living.
Some time between 1865 and 1870, perhaps due to the death of Elizabeth's fatherg between 1860 and 1870, Alden and his family moved to Limington, Maine, where they lived probably until their deaths. Elizabeth's mother was living with them in Limington, in 1870 and 1880. Sadly, in 1880, Olive Lord is listed as "blind."
George L. Veazie's marriage to Sarah (below) and that Ralph King Veazie is the child of George L. and Sarah Veazie is by inference. Ralph's WWII draft registration card lists his birth as 5 Jun 1885 in Limington, Maine. An examination of census records for York Co., ME, 1880 and 1900, would seem to indicate that George is the only likely candidate for Sarah's husband and, therefore, Ralph's father.
Children of ALDEN VEAZIE
i. |
GEORGE L VEAZIE b.[e] abt 1852, Steuben Co., NY; d.[i,j] bef. 1900; m.[i,j] SARAH ---, b.[i] Feb 1857 in Maine; d.[l] prob. aft. 1910. Ch:[i,j] RALPH KING VEAZIE m.[k] ELIZABETH V PEASE, 3 ch. |
ii. |
HERBERT A VEAZIE b.[e] Jan 1856, Steuben Co., NY; d.[h] aft. 1930; prob. not married |
a. Vital Records of Corinna, ME; examination of original records and LDS Film
b. from birthdates, birthplaces of children
c. 1850 Fed Census MA, Middlesex Co., Marlborough
d. 1850 Fed Census ME, York Co., Limington
e. 1855, 1865 New York State Census, Steuben Co., Caton
f. 1860 Fed Census NY, Steuben Co., Caton
g. 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 Fed Census ME, York Co., Limington
h. 1920, 1930 Fed Census ME, York Co., Cornish - Herbert, single
i. 1900, 1910, 1920 Fed Census ME, York Co., Buxton
j. World War II Draft and Enlistment Records -
k. Maine Marriages -
l. 1910 Fed Census ME, York Co., Saco
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updated Feb-2009